Church and State

Friday, April 07, 2006

The FairTax and Immigration

Given the current debate on immigration laws, we have been asked repeatedly how the FairTax relates to this issue. The answer is that the FairTax will for the first time tax undocumented workers who now evade U.S. taxes. That is just one more reason to support the FairTax. Under the FairTax all residents contribute to the tax base, whether they are living in the U.S. legally or illegally.

Under our current tax system, many non-citizens do not pay income and payroll taxes, even though they are here earning wages. They also may receive many benefits in the form of health care, education, roads, and much more. Under the FairTax, if someone is not a lawful resident but purchases goods or services for consumption here, not only do they pay the FairTax on each purchase, they are not eligible to receive a prebate to offset the taxes on their purchases up to the poverty level. In other words, they pay 100 percent of their sales tax, every time they buy. The only way to get a prebate and therefore not pay taxes on the purchase of essential goods and services is to become a legal resident.

So in effect, the FairTax helps promote legal immigration by insuring that only lawful residents receive the prebate.

Leo Linbeck
Americans For Fair Taxation
posted by Steve Harris, 6:23 PM


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God, family, and country. My allegiance stands in that order. Church and State will illustrate my opinions on issues of religion and politics, along with regular thoughts on family.

Location: Waco, Texas, United States

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