Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Letter to the Editor - Tax Return Preparers
In a recent report for World News Tonight, ABC News’ Nancy Weiner showed that the nation’s largest tax return preparers can “actually create more problems with the IRS for their customers.” Her report focused on the lack of training required of most tax return preparers, yet some of the biggest CPA firms in the nation will admit that even they cannot keep up with the constantly morphing tax code. Government data shows that even IRS agents “give the wrong advice more than a third of the time.” With over 800 changes to the tax code in the average year, the problem lies with the tax code itself and not with the tax return preparers. Congress wants to require more training – a band-aid fix to a Grand Canyon sized problem. Congress needs to abolish the tax code and adopt the FairTax (H.R. 25/S. 25). Senator John Cornyn has just signed on as a co-sponsor of the FairTax after carefully evaluating every tax reform measure on the table. Everyone should look at the details of the FairTax with an open mind. Every problem people have with a national sales tax has been addressed within the bill. The FairTax is the best solution to all the problems with the tax code and would put an end to tax return preparation.
posted by Steve Harris, 6:34 AM