Church and State

Sunday, April 02, 2006

New Opinion Ballot on Immigration

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Steve Harris
(Address Omitted)

April 1, 2006

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) has opened up the floor for debate on two measures that would overhaul our country’s immigration policies. Sen. Frist’s plan (S.2454) favors tighter border enforcement and security measures. A bipartisan bill (S.1033) adheres to the proposal put forth by President Bush to create a guest worker program allowing some illegal immigrants to legalize their status. Supporters of the guest worker idea say that it will improve security increasing the number of documented immigrants. Opponents argue that it will encourage others to break the law and enter the US illegally.

As your constituent, I would like to know your thought on this issue.

Should Congress strenghten border enforcement? ( XXXX ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Undecided

In a post 9/11 world, we cannot permit the unrestricted flow of drugs, weapons, and people over our borders. Demonstrators nationwide illustrated this week that many still give their allegiance to Mexico, and not to the U.S. We also know that many people entering the country illegally come from Islamic countries whose people and governments want to destroy our liberty. There must be NO COMPROMISE on this issue! Once we control the border, then we can decide what to do with the illegal
immigrants already here.

Should Congress create a guest worker program? ( ) Yes ( XX ) No ( ) Undecided

At one time I thought the new guest worker visa program was a good idea. I have talked to many people that either immigrated to the U.S. themselves or have family that immigrated. Those people really have a problem with any program that allows illegal immigrants to jump ahead of people waiting in other countries to come here legally. I now agree with them. We need to streamline the process to make it easier and less expensive to immigrate. We could even dramaticly increase the number of visas awarded each year. But every single illegal immigrant within our borders needs exit our country and complete an application requesting permission to


Steve Harris
posted by Steve Harris, 11:07 AM


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God, family, and country. My allegiance stands in that order. Church and State will illustrate my opinions on issues of religion and politics, along with regular thoughts on family.

Location: Waco, Texas, United States

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