Church and State

Friday, December 15, 2006

Democracy or Republic, Which Is It?

by Benedict D. LaRosa

How many times have you heard people refer to America as a "Democracy"? We hear it all the time from relatives, friends, news reporters, local businessmen and from media "talking heads." We read it regularly on Internet websites, newspaper articles (including editorials), magazines, and even our children's textbooks. We even hear it from the President, members of Congress, state and local elected officials, and educators -- even those who possess a license to practice Law.How many times, in response, have you quietly mumbled under your breath or shouted at the television, "It's not a Democracy, it's a Republic !!, (insert your choice of belittling descriptor such as dimwit, meathead, dolt, nitwit, dunderhead, etc.)"

Those of us who know the truth of the matter could simply ignore the ignorant and go about our lives, but cannot for a very compelling reason: We are a nation of Law. (continued...)
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posted by Steve Harris, 4:49 PM


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God, family, and country. My allegiance stands in that order. Church and State will illustrate my opinions on issues of religion and politics, along with regular thoughts on family.

Location: Waco, Texas, United States

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